I am part of that half of Italians who did not like Benigni.
not made me laugh and did not teach me anything: my age and those older than I was informed that both Scipio Maramaldo up because they had told us in elementary school. Or the grandparents in the family or some uncle.
's why he knows that it is the 1952 as I was taught at school these little things again.
Like Inno di Mameli (which is still provisional) or sea bass Sapri or Piedmont or most of the poems of Leopardi, who unified the school made us learn by heart. We
of '52 are the first to address this new type of school, until then after the 5th grade and was the starting middle school - the old-school where he taught Latin already.
In the last classes of primary school we learned the grammatical analysis and logic, multiplication tables and the history of the Risorgimento, probably with a lot of rhetoric.
How I feel today, but not at school.
At school we learned review of the period and, although he was no longer required by the Ministry programs, a brief smattering of Latin.
E - unbelievable but true - even the paraphrase of the texts!
So we learned the story of the Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, The Divine Comedy, The Betrothed and Memoirs of an Italian! And also some mention of Don Quixote of the Song of my Cid, and of the Nibelung.

And we spent all day at school or at home studying. There was also the time to go play in the street or at the park or at home with friends.
and once in high school we learned to study Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, and more. And a lot of useless knowledge that, once learned, we challenged the school to change concepts in a training school.
It 'clear that we have failed: the fact that Benigni has all this happened doing a simple question that my high school teacher was rated between 5 and 6 gives me the extent that removal of the rote learning we did not managed to rise to a training school.
If we had said during a question more than once "memory" of a poem or "is beautiful" by a triplet of Dante without explaining why, without making historical references without an appointment "paraphrase" would have been sent back in place with a - better get ready for next time -
So Benigni is not a good teacher to me. And I prefer Dante
on Dale. Yes he told me things that I did not know.

Benigni I like when reading a text, I like his pauses, his eyes and even his smile.
because I consider him a good actor can make me excited. And I see with pleasure
Groundhog Day three and Little Devil, and yes, even Life is beautiful.
Rai And when they review the very old pieces of TeleVacca with Guccini I feel a great nostalgia for the way we were and how I was "confident".
which arouses admiration because it "knows many things" leaves me a little sad because many do not know.
The school has not taught us all how we wanted and even more just as it once was.
The school does not teach more than perhaps anyone. It was in this way that I wanted to change.

While no one at school, I had read Gramsci, that I did it alone and too superficially.
thousand times I preferred the choice of Luke and Paul for the evening the unification of Italy.
And although I'm biased or because they are very disappointed and angry with my party.
And I will not be indifferent.
I can not upload the video of Luke and Paul on You tube, but if you have time Go and review. YouTube
-Sanremo 2011-Luke and Paul-I hate the indifferent.
It does not talk about anyone.
That is a lesson in civility.
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