Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dimensions Of Dvd Case

I pity the poor blog ...

I'm not writing for a while, 'on my poor blog.
I took a sabbatical.
Epper I'd write something. Type
that The Grit the Cohen brothers, there is a memorable sequence, a wild ride of the old Rooster Cogburn in a sky full of stars.

type for a month and a half, every Friday night, The Boardwalk Empire kept me glued to tivvù and who knows me knows that there because I want to stand there and watch tivvù breaks ball much, and now, now I'm here to swear that the first twelve episodes of the series are gone and also because I knew that in the States did not then the whole 'I'm great success, so never see that the leaders of HBO decide to close it ahead of time, 'is wonderful, so finally I stop rooting for corrupt politicians and gangsters ferocious.

type of club that The incorrigible optimist , the novel by Jean-Michel Guenassia, he really deserved all the success it has had. And quite right, Guenassia when he says that Igor, Sasa, Leonid, Pavel Werner Michel, his characters, "there are really. " There yes, diobono! It can not be otherwise.

now a septuagenarian with high hopes, ex (?) Socialist, he is a candidate for mayor of my city looking to the right and perjury that does it for love, only love. So just imagine what he could combine Monfalcone if he had hated the other hand ... Type
that this is post number 701. Type
a lot of things, if you like.


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