Monday, February 28, 2011

Eeee Software Testing

THERE 'MORE' HOPE !!!!!!! bis

I received mail for this communication, the person who wrote me is reliable.

I hope that turns out to be a hoax, in which case the poster.

But it is always better to be careful!!

Cari amici,
ho avuto queste due segnalazioni da parte di un amico che ha avuto una avventura poco piacevole e pericolosa.
Da tenere presente, specie in autostrada, ed essere pronti a capire cosa ci
sta succedendo.

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1) Sono scampato per un pelo ad un moderno assalto alla diligenza, in autostrada, nel tratto Bergamo - Milano, ore 10 del mattino. Modalità identiche: blow on my right side, kind of mirrors in shock overtaking, flashing and then you do not give up until berths. I was saved only because, after opposing in
pitch (Errore! But it is really easy to fall into it), I locked the doors and I got off, as I was urgently requested to do to 'see the damage in the mirror', put alarmed by the insistence of the character that he turned to walk to my window, and saw from having a second person, the car still attacking, but ready to act behind me as soon as I got out. I was alone, there were two of them, no one else around, if not car that dart a few feet .... I have put in motion and I are given, literally, to flee. Of course the mirror was not damaged, but the side was marked as a blow to date when, in passing, the cars are close but not touching. Same comment
traffic police: it happens very often, do not stop, if not in silent service area, but to call 113 on her cell phone! Stay tuned and notify friends and colleagues: I hope you do not happen, because it is not a good experience.

2) Dear friends and colleagues and had wanted to inform you about an experience that can be useful to all in the future. Yesterday afternoon (about 18) were the subject of an attempted theft or robbery while I was on the section of Rome Fiumicino direction Rome, height Doctors Park. I was in the fast lane when I heard a shot coming from the right side of my car, as if I had hit my mirror with
another. Soon after I noticed that a car (a white Lancia Y) I was flashing from behind. At this point I slowed down thinking, not so much that I had hit another car, but there was such a seat belt out of the passenger's door or something else that could have caused the noise. In the meantime, I was met and exceeded the car's occupants and that I flashed my gesticulating to me that I was crazy and that I had to stop. The driver of this car, put the arrow to stay in
emergency lane (about 200 m from the exit for Doctors Park) and also I was going to stop. But while I was passing the white Y I noticed that inside there were four Gypsies, two men and two women, and also reminded me of an adventure similar to another of our experienced colleague. At this point I came back in the lanes of the motorway and I arrived in Rome.
Immediately I went to complain to the Commissioner Eur
and the policeman told me that it is time that these things are happening and that I had gone well since, normally, the 'mirror trick' or ends with the theft of ' car or a burglary (money and credit cards) or, in some cases, even with the seizure of the person and the liability to or withdrawal at ATMs, is not enough, with beaten.
Unfortunately, from what I understand is a type of crime rather occurs throughout Italy and the only advice I was given by the Police is to never stop on the highway but come calling in a service area, meanwhile, 113 with the phone. I thought it useful that my experience was brought to the attention of all our friends, for reasons both business and leisure travelers will pass on highways and expressways. If you deem it appropriate Do turn


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