Monday, February 28, 2011

Free Films Camera Copy

The irresistible charm of the Irish in Boston

- See a movie on DVD tonight?
- For example?
- For example
Kurosawa's Rashomon ...
- Mmmmfffff ...
- Look what you're missing something ...
- seee, seee ...
- Vabbuò.
- E. .. how long?
(throws the eye to the container of the DVD) Eighty minutes. (weighs the question for a few seconds) Okay, by: you can do.
- Co-like? Repeat, please ...
- you can do.

seems to cause him to change his mind (for years now propose Rashomon always receiving in exchange for cordial spernacchiamenti) was a character in a novel by Dennis Lehane who speaks of a Rashomon her friend who has never seen.
- Rashomon? Never covered up!
- Well, you should, you know?

And here we are.
me no, yes to Dennis Lehane.
But not
I offended you, eh ...
That's fine.

Eeee Software Testing

THERE 'MORE' HOPE !!!!!!! bis

I received mail for this communication, the person who wrote me is reliable.

I hope that turns out to be a hoax, in which case the poster.

But it is always better to be careful!!

Cari amici,
ho avuto queste due segnalazioni da parte di un amico che ha avuto una avventura poco piacevole e pericolosa.
Da tenere presente, specie in autostrada, ed essere pronti a capire cosa ci
sta succedendo.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



1) Sono scampato per un pelo ad un moderno assalto alla diligenza, in autostrada, nel tratto Bergamo - Milano, ore 10 del mattino. Modalità identiche: blow on my right side, kind of mirrors in shock overtaking, flashing and then you do not give up until berths. I was saved only because, after opposing in
pitch (Errore! But it is really easy to fall into it), I locked the doors and I got off, as I was urgently requested to do to 'see the damage in the mirror', put alarmed by the insistence of the character that he turned to walk to my window, and saw from having a second person, the car still attacking, but ready to act behind me as soon as I got out. I was alone, there were two of them, no one else around, if not car that dart a few feet .... I have put in motion and I are given, literally, to flee. Of course the mirror was not damaged, but the side was marked as a blow to date when, in passing, the cars are close but not touching. Same comment
traffic police: it happens very often, do not stop, if not in silent service area, but to call 113 on her cell phone! Stay tuned and notify friends and colleagues: I hope you do not happen, because it is not a good experience.

2) Dear friends and colleagues and had wanted to inform you about an experience that can be useful to all in the future. Yesterday afternoon (about 18) were the subject of an attempted theft or robbery while I was on the section of Rome Fiumicino direction Rome, height Doctors Park. I was in the fast lane when I heard a shot coming from the right side of my car, as if I had hit my mirror with
another. Soon after I noticed that a car (a white Lancia Y) I was flashing from behind. At this point I slowed down thinking, not so much that I had hit another car, but there was such a seat belt out of the passenger's door or something else that could have caused the noise. In the meantime, I was met and exceeded the car's occupants and that I flashed my gesticulating to me that I was crazy and that I had to stop. The driver of this car, put the arrow to stay in
emergency lane (about 200 m from the exit for Doctors Park) and also I was going to stop. But while I was passing the white Y I noticed that inside there were four Gypsies, two men and two women, and also reminded me of an adventure similar to another of our experienced colleague. At this point I came back in the lanes of the motorway and I arrived in Rome.
Immediately I went to complain to the Commissioner Eur
and the policeman told me that it is time that these things are happening and that I had gone well since, normally, the 'mirror trick' or ends with the theft of ' car or a burglary (money and credit cards) or, in some cases, even with the seizure of the person and the liability to or withdrawal at ATMs, is not enough, with beaten.
Unfortunately, from what I understand is a type of crime rather occurs throughout Italy and the only advice I was given by the Police is to never stop on the highway but come calling in a service area, meanwhile, 113 with the phone. I thought it useful that my experience was brought to the attention of all our friends, for reasons both business and leisure travelers will pass on highways and expressways. If you deem it appropriate Do turn

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THERE 'MORE' HOPE !!!!!!! The Owls

I make a copy and paste this post because ...... is really interesting!

I took from "patchwork melancholy and other animals" and together with my earlier scored heavily cold and rainy day.
Today I just forgot about the glass being half full. (

Sunday, February 27, 2011

thieves QUILT

American is a link, now I can not remember, there was the case over for who knows when, where there are photos, and there are many , quilt stolen.
seems to be a vice common, very widespread.
and arrived in our beautiful country!

The story is this: two years ago, the store of Laura here in Milan, in a way filomania Strigelli, enters a woman to buy two.

on the counter of the store was the top, not yet mounted, only the top, a blanket made by Lauretta little boys for a fair which was held a few days later.
They were ready to sell the patterns, but if you have the quilt displayed, not just sell them.

this girl comes up and after a few hours notice that the quilt is gone.

this is the photo

the woman in question is not in Milan, told Laura that he was passing through Milan.

few days later, Laura è al telefono con la padrona di un negozio di patch di Trieste. le racconta cosa le era successo e questa signora le chiede: "ma non sarà mica la tizia che abita a Colloredo di Montealbano? l'ho beccata nel mio negozio con un libro che si era infilata in borsa. stai attenta se torna da te, è famosa."

ho lasciato passare apposta tanto tempo, la ladra, chiunque sia, dovrebbe avere oramai montato il top. magari ce l'ha a casa sua. magari l'ha regalato al figlio di un'amica......

chiedo un piacere, non per me, alle bloggine che passano di qui, potete prelevare il gadget, che adesso preparo e farlo girare alle vostre amiche quilters.
must turn, turn, turn, I bet that sooner or later comes out.

Laura has lost money and time. she does for work.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Milena Velba Pregnant Blog

I listened to this piece after so many years, I knew him before those of Fabrizio.
The Owls have been understanding of my childhood.

I would say that they are always current.

I'll try the other to resume an old path.
need certainty?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dimensions Of Dvd Case

I pity the poor blog ...

I'm not writing for a while, 'on my poor blog.
I took a sabbatical.
Epper I'd write something. Type
that The Grit the Cohen brothers, there is a memorable sequence, a wild ride of the old Rooster Cogburn in a sky full of stars.

type for a month and a half, every Friday night, The Boardwalk Empire kept me glued to tivvù and who knows me knows that there because I want to stand there and watch tivvù breaks ball much, and now, now I'm here to swear that the first twelve episodes of the series are gone and also because I knew that in the States did not then the whole 'I'm great success, so never see that the leaders of HBO decide to close it ahead of time, 'is wonderful, so finally I stop rooting for corrupt politicians and gangsters ferocious.

type of club that The incorrigible optimist , the novel by Jean-Michel Guenassia, he really deserved all the success it has had. And quite right, Guenassia when he says that Igor, Sasa, Leonid, Pavel Werner Michel, his characters, "there are really. " There yes, diobono! It can not be otherwise.

now a septuagenarian with high hopes, ex (?) Socialist, he is a candidate for mayor of my city looking to the right and perjury that does it for love, only love. So just imagine what he could combine Monfalcone if he had hated the other hand ... Type
that this is post number 701. Type
a lot of things, if you like.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How Long Can Sperm Reproduce

Benigni and the Unified School

I am part of that half of Italians who did not like Benigni.
not made me laugh and did not teach me anything: my age and those older than I was informed that both Scipio Maramaldo up because they had told us in elementary school. Or the grandparents in the family or some uncle.
's why he knows that it is the 1952 as I was taught at school these little things again.
Like Inno di Mameli (which is still provisional) or sea bass Sapri or Piedmont or most of the poems of Leopardi, who unified the school made us learn by heart. We
of '52 are the first to address this new type of school, until then after the 5th grade and was the starting middle school - the old-school where he taught Latin already.
In the last classes of primary school we learned the grammatical analysis and logic, multiplication tables and the history of the Risorgimento, probably with a lot of rhetoric.
How I feel today, but not at school.
At school we learned review of the period and, although he was no longer required by the Ministry programs, a brief smattering of Latin.
E - unbelievable but true - even the paraphrase of the texts!
So we learned the story of the Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, The Divine Comedy, The Betrothed and Memoirs of an Italian! And also some mention of Don Quixote of the Song of my Cid, and of the Nibelung.

And we spent all day at school or at home studying. There was also the time to go play in the street or at the park or at home with friends.
and once in high school we learned to study Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, and more. And a lot of useless knowledge that, once learned, we challenged the school to change concepts in a training school.

It 'clear that we have failed: the fact that Benigni has all this happened doing a simple question that my high school teacher was rated between 5 and 6 gives me the extent that removal of the rote learning we did not managed to rise to a training school.

If we had said during a question more than once "memory" of a poem or "is beautiful" by a triplet of Dante without explaining why, without making historical references without an appointment "paraphrase" would have been sent back in place with a - better get ready for next time -
So Benigni is not a good teacher to me. And I prefer Dante
on Dale. Yes he told me things that I did not know.

Benigni I like when reading a text, I like his pauses, his eyes and even his smile.
because I consider him a good actor can make me excited. And I see with pleasure
Groundhog Day three and Little Devil, and yes, even Life is beautiful.
Rai And when they review the very old pieces of TeleVacca with Guccini I feel a great nostalgia for the way we were and how I was "confident".
which arouses admiration because it "knows many things" leaves me a little sad because many do not know.
The school has not taught us all how we wanted and even more just as it once was.
The school does not teach more than perhaps anyone. It was in this way that I wanted to change.

While no one at school, I had read Gramsci, that I did it alone and too superficially.
thousand times I preferred the choice of Luke and Paul for the evening the unification of Italy.
And although I'm biased or because they are very disappointed and angry with my party.
And I will not be indifferent.
I can not upload the video of Luke and Paul on You tube, but if you have time Go and review. YouTube
-Sanremo 2011-Luke and Paul-I hate the indifferent.
It does not talk about anyone.
That is a lesson in civility.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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seen that there is also a feast for all this there is!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Beach Buggie Blueprints

famous words in my part (No.95)

"Life is a hospital where every patient wants a new bed."

(Charles Baudelaire)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Do I Organize Headphones


Gelmini According to the poor lady, women who went to the streets today to say that they are ashamed than ever the sad, pathetic, depressing clown who govern us would "only a few radical chic."
s'incazzi I hope that no one, for this nice statement of the Minister of Education: question, in my view, a mere homage to virtue.
Occhei, talking was the unconscious Gelmini.
So what?
If I were to define a single adjective, the Right is in power in Italy, or rather, his imagination, his language, his horizon of meaning, the adjective can not be other than 'commoner'. The
Berlusconi for Italy, was in fact a disaster not only ethical, but also - perhaps especially - in the aesthetic .
Gelmini, even if he does not know , at least he has a hunch: those who are not vulgar, who is not a boor, who is not rude, what else can be chic if not ?
Well perhaps, the poor, there is hope even for Gelmini.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bought This Stockings Online


11 - II - 11

Friday is the night of us females: Enzo is satisfied and leaves at 20.30 and Andrew's workout. Not fall before midnight. Zoe Grey and I remain master of the house.
then I can do many things: sewing, cooking and tidying up old photos o. .. Basically everything. And last Friday I was prepared for my sewing rags to make a fairy with the paper piecing method, was the second attempt and I was very determined to finish. Of course the TV was on.
Zoe was particularly naughty Grey no. So I started playing I with her suffering his attacks and his climb in the back. Meanwhile on the table were pieces of the fairy in wait, ready to sew. In TV
then pop Grey's anatomy and at that point I sat on the couch and Zoe came into my arm and started to suck my thumb slowly falling asleep.
who has seen the episode saw the handsome Alex (which is not the most sympathetic) bare-chested that rocked a newborn with a low probability of survival: dott.Miranda had explained that in that way did not feel the small premature alone and was stimulated to react to life. And 'the effect of kangaroo and the explanation that I found
"It was 1978 in Bogota' when in Colombia to address the need to save the children born premature in the absence of adequate equipment - incubators - born of the method mother kangaroo. contact for several hours between the skin of the mother and the baby was saved and allowed to grow many children who otherwise would not have survived. The method seems to bring positive effects even when the pope 'to apply ... "In fact, the

Cangurino born and weighs 1 gram, you must climb on the mother's belly and squeeze in a pouch where it remains suck from 5 to 6 months milk from the nipple inside the mother. Many years ago I saw a documentary on the birth of the Kangaroos.
And so I have not sewn the fairy and I was watching Grey's with Zoe that safe and warm sleeping and sometimes I suck my finger and our Grey squatting on his carpet. Three females serene.
the series we're all animals and we always need to feel love and warmth of those who love us.
But Wednesday night I have personally experienced the difference between the emergency room we see on American TV and the Italian first-aid (specifically the San Martino di Genova), where I ended after he fainted during a concert of guitars that were witnessing. A rethink
hours the scene was funny but at the moment I'm scared.
As a young man he was subject to fainting, and I knew how to behave when I was about to: sdraiatami legs up on the floor and wait maybe drinking a little water that the whole pass. Typical pressure drop.
But they were several years that I was going and then on the advice of several doctors present, the ambulance took me to the emergency room: I entered at 23, I measured the pressure (90/50 and I was already a bit ' recovery) and then with the green code they put me on hold. There were five other stretchers, one could see who was battered and it was immediately brought into the room visits. Then passed three other serious and meanwhile time was passing. I felt a bit 'better and I got up at 3 feet and of course with the help of Enzo went acceptance to ask if I could get away: - some lady can do as he wishes.
I have not had to sign anything, I have not seen any doctor or nurse who tried to stop.
And then we went home. And now I go by my family Dr. that I probably advise you to eat licorice.
the series as we are different from Americans! Especially those of the show.
But I prefer our health service, even if imperfect, and I know how many people work in that field with a conscience and professionalism despite the red tape and more.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Calgel buy

First National Day of the Vegetative State

Today is National Day of the vegetative state, wanted very strongly desired by Berlusconi's government on the anniversary of the death of Eluana a decision really classy perché è indubbio - potete dire quello che volete - che questo è un governo di gente di classe a partire dal suo Capo, lo stesso che un paio di anni fa se ne uscì dicendo che, a quanto gli risultava, Eluana mestruava e quindi mantenerla in stato vegetativo contro la sua volontà gli sembrava una decisione più che giustificata, cribbio!
E d'altra parte, se non ne sa qualcosa il Pdl, degli stati vegetativi...
Cioè, prendiamone uno a caso. Che so?
Maurizio Gasparri.

Mica gli hanno staccato la spina, a Gasparri, no?
Ed eccolo lì che fa il capogruppo del Pdl alla Camera dei Deputati. Con tutti i suoi problemi, Okay, but anyway ... Gasparri is alive and fight together with Silvio.
February 9 - no, I say National Day of vegetative states - has been designed for him.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Where Can I Watch Henti Online For Free

The Usual Suspects (Bryan Singer)

"The greatest trick the devil has done to humanity was to make him believe he does not exist."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Russian Bare Foto Free


Rereading and reading your comments I realize that I look a bit 'too ...... "Right."
That does not come out my many errors that I see often but do not.
So I do not feel so positive as these words may seem to be.
I think I rather they are sure to be a little 'bitch'. Sorry for the typical word in the dialogue but not in my writing.
I know for a long time and use a phrase that Enzo does not appreciate at all: they are aware of a bitch.
Today I am a bit 'so .... not happy.
Perhaps because it broke the washing machine full of water and clothes of course, I had to empty it and it seems that it is definitely dead.
Meanwhile, we forgot on the stove's pot of water and sugar for the mustard that overflows filling the hob for a clear, sticky syrup. What I took away a considerable amount of paper towel. We hope the day