"The intellectual is higher, lower and lower. The intellectual is more than "
(We had to beloved , Ettore Scola, 1974)
that strong, Massimo D'Alema!
The day before yesterday was a communist (you know the communists, right? Those who believed that giving to one of the 'Social' was much worse than give him the jerk), Social yesterday ( because it would be "a ' Italian anomaly " - remember? - an olive tree that European social democracy from the thought of whatever) and now ... but today is over, right? Indeed, more than!
Why Social Democracy is not enough, gosh. He wrote a few days ago, the intelligent D'Alema, on a comic than as à la page between reformists Noantri ( "the main challenge that the Socialists and Social Democrats face today is the design of a new political cycle, which should not be a simple return to the old traditional social democratic model. Rather, we must consider the contribution of European social democracy can offer to a coalition of liberal and democratic. I say this not only in terms of party, but also in cultural and social terms broader and deeper. A broad coalition of social democracy which will be only one component ) and this may well be true but it sounds terrible, he said.
not know about you, but I just hate it are those who think they are perfectly capable of playing all the parts in comedy and with equally brilliant results ...
The problem, however, is only the public and the public, given that - incredibly! - Massimo D'Alema his audience have it yet.
and mica are better alternatives. We
not know about you, but I just hate it are those who think they are perfectly capable of playing all the parts in comedy and with equally brilliant results ...
The problem, however, is only the public and the public, given that - incredibly! - Massimo D'Alema his audience have it yet.
and mica are better alternatives. We
I remember it well, me, the imaginative Nichi, when he went around Italy after the Bolognina, Boeotian to explain to people that it was so good to continue to call themselves communists, and that no? Gli piaceva un sacco, quella vecchia narrazione del Novecento, al nostro. Così diceva, almeno. E – sapete? - lo diceva precisamente con la stessa prosopopea che sfoggia di questi tempi: ma la stessa proprio sputata sputata, eh!
Poi l'ho visto sedere soddisfatto, per anni annorum, accanto al pensoso Fausto Bertinotti, il subcomandante degli happy hour: gli piaceva una botta, al Nichi, la narrazione del Fausto e lo comunicava molto volentieri a tout le monde perché, si sa, lui è uno comunicativo. E sempre con la stessa prosopopea che sfoggia di questi tempi, lo comunicava: ma la stessa proprio sputata sputata, eh!
Poi me lo vedo negli ultimi mesi, negli ultimi giorni, in giro a destra e a manca dopo esser stato miracolato dall'intelligentissimo D'Alema che per ben due volte ha scelto di fargli la guerra, giù in Puglia, e mica candidandoglisi contro direttamente, cosa che avrei pure capito, bensì utilizzando tutte e due le volte lo stesso carneade - anzi lo stesso utile idiota (leninisticamente parlando, si intende...) - nella convinzione, squisitamente progressista, che a) mai e poi mai i pugliesi – gente tradizionalmente moderata e timorata di dio - avrebbero votato per un comunista omosessuale e che b) la Puglia fosse cosa sua e solo sua, e quindi i pugliesi potevano benissimo votare per il cavallo del politico più intelligente d'Italia e si ricordassero pure di ringraziare.
Invece Vendola, ah ah ah, won ... By the way, you know, if a few months ago Adriana Poli Bortone had not decided to run alone to the PDL facciaccia Puglia, maybe we would bring all telling a different story, we'd be. But so be it.
Now, since long, left, D'Alema is considered a sort of King Midas in reverse - everything he touches turns to shit: what is known - to his well- for twice-Nichi-enemy Vendola is touched by the force of rising to heights Iperuranio , among the many orphans of the Italian left (perhaps only among the orphans of the Communist left Italian, which was not something so trivial to deserve having the receivers D'Alema, a mold or a Veltroni).
Now, since long, left, D'Alema is considered a sort of King Midas in reverse - everything he touches turns to shit: what is known - to his well- for twice-Nichi-enemy Vendola is touched by the force of rising to heights Iperuranio , among the many orphans of the Italian left (perhaps only among the orphans of the Communist left Italian, which was not something so trivial to deserve having the receivers D'Alema, a mold or a Veltroni).
And here we are, to date: Nichi, Nichi, Nichi! You save us!
It was Silvio, to teach us: a lonely man in command will save us all! Nichi Nichi call it that then why call him Silvio, Silvio, no?
Vendola yesterday was a Communist, the other day - along with Fausto Bertinotti - stirred bullshit in the name of 'radical left' (if people remember, "two lefts" ?) And now proclaims that he hates to hear of the left radical because the radical left does not mean (effettivamente. ..) nothing.
Vendola yesterday was a Communist, the other day - along with Fausto Bertinotti - stirred bullshit in the name of 'radical left' (if people remember, "two lefts" ?) And now proclaims that he hates to hear of the left radical because the radical left does not mean (effettivamente. ..) nothing.
And always with the same solemnity, the Vendola, eh: sempre con la stessa faccia come il culo.
Tutte le parti in commedia, via... Anzi, tutte le parti nella sceneggiata: iss', ess' e o' malament'.
Tanto il pubblico - dopo sedici anni di berlusconismo che, tra le altre cose, hanno letteralmente raso al suolo la sinistra italiana - è di bocca buonissima.
Tanto il pubblico - dopo sedici anni di berlusconismo che, tra le altre cose, hanno letteralmente raso al suolo la sinistra italiana - è di bocca buonissima.
Massimo più oltre e Nichi: e sarebbe 'sta gente, a doverci salvare, sì?
E al di là dell'aspra invettiva - qualcuno potrebbe chiedermi - cosa proponi?
Di ricominciare a studiare, intanto.
Di ricominciare a studiare, intanto.
Poi di andare meno in tivvù.
Poi di lasciar perdere la politica as a personal biography, politics and policy as a narrative as a narrative of a personal biography.
Then stop sign blank proxies to anyone, and especially to some valiant leaders from talk show.
Then let go of all those people who autoassolve in the conviction of being the eternal victim of bad policy and not the mother of the same.
Then remember to say 'we' sometimes.
Then, if it is not too disgusting, to rediscover a little 'taste of indignation and intransigence.
Finally, to give himself time. Why
to quit 'I'm terrible mess will take time. And much
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