Friday, December 31, 2010

Back Of Tongue Feels Dry

candied orange peel ... IN MICROWAVE

I want to tell this experiment of orange peel in the microwave. We have two oranges, one is 23 years old, that I got to Enzo 23 years ago, the other is older and in alternate years are of decent oranges. The skins are course superbiologiche so we tried several recipes for candy. Yesterday I changed the last found on a blog (sorry but I do not remember the name). It seems a
process faster and less "sticky."
So slowly you eat put the peels of oranges, not too thin in a glass container in cold water. Every day, change the water and add the peels of oranges I recommend you eat it no more than a pound at a time, it seems easier.
At the right amount put them to boil in clean water for 20 to 30 minutes. Touching them with a fork should be soft.

placing them in a glass container in microwave obviously reduces the time: I went to attempted groping and occasionally the skins were prepared in 10 minutes.
After that, drain and put to dry on a paper towel , you have to remove excess water.

pesatele and then weighed equal amount of sugar.
calculated for each pound of sugar 20 g water
Then: 1 pound of boiled peel = 1 pound of sugar = 20 gr water

Prepare the pan has been used for Cook the peel, rinse it remains without a little 'flavor, the syrup of sugar and water.
Again using the microwave is done much earlier, not candy syrup that attention should remain clear. I did 30 seconds at a time slowly, and looked about the sugar is dissolved.

After removing the pan from the fire, or container vetro dal forno, aggiungere le bucce tenute da parte e con pazienza rimettere il pentolino sul fuoco e girando, girando senza far bruciare niente, far assorbire tutto lo sciroppo alle buccine. E questo è un procedimento per me troppo noioso, le buccine si appallottolano e lo zucchero tende a bruciare e ci vuole troppo tempo.
Il microonde, usato con attenzione, si è rivelato di grande aiuto infatti non bisogna rigirare niente e le bucce rimangono ben distese. Assorbono lo sciroppo in circa dieci minuti, sempre controllando ogni 3 - 4 minuti .

Riassorbito lo sciroppo le bucce ancora calde rimangono morbide, allora bisogna allargarle su uno strato di zucchero, wait for it to cool, stirring a little to make the sugar stick around.

In short you can taste them, they are crunchy outside and inside are soft.

are ready to be placed in a container, I prefer the glass.

I assure you that it is easier to do than to write the prescription.
I did so well with fresh ginger, which I love very much: I have a taste because hidden behind the other just made it all gone.

Meanwhile Zoe (who has had intestinal problems and is being treated with sulfa drugs and enzymes) tries to get close to Grey, and if Enzo encourages Cagnona to be patient with the salt on his back and tries to sleep on. But if Enzo leaves Grey rises and Zoe is left alone on the carpet.



Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Free Roller Skates Templates

sources Maurizio Belpietro

"Well, yes. I confess. It was me, Willard Pogrebin, once so mild and promising to shoot the president of the United States. Luck had it, however, that such a crowd intervene to twist the hand holding the Luger deflecting the shot, so the bullet, having rebounded against metal sign, he went to stick in a mortadella, sausages nell'Emporio Himmelstein . After a slight scuffle, during which several policemen made a sailor's knot with my gullet, I was immobilized and took me to rocket observation neuro-delusions. "

Maurizio Belpietro Yesterday, the director of the famous Free newspaper , wrote that there would be on the agenda for next spring, a mock attack on the President Chamber of Deputies, Mr Gianfranco Fini, during an official visit of the latter in Puglia, leaving somehow understood that it would be just the person directly concerned to get it commissioned, to € 200 thousand rich, a laborer local crime.
Fini would warp the whole 'Machiavellian plot is then to place the blame of his injury (slight, of course ...) on Prime Minister Berlusconi, thereby influencing the outcome of the next general election (Belpietro provides that the Director, therefore, very close). The bomber would have gladly paid bribed to accuse the wrong client, ça va sans dire . Today
Fini sued Belpietro.
everything reminded me a little story of Woody Allen , Hard times and wicked . Side effects can be found on see ever wanted to read it.

There is about a guy paid by U.S. President Gerald Ford (you remember? Was Nixon's deputy and became president succeeding when Tricky Dick was forced to resign on the wave of the full revelation of the scandal Watergate. According to Lyndon Johnson, Ford was so gifted intellectually, that they can not chew chewing-gum and fart at the same time) a guy paid by Gerald Ford, I said, to "pull his, from time to time, a revolver, taking care to miss. This, he said, he would give way to behave heroically, and would serve to divert people's attention from the real issues important ...».

Friday, December 24, 2010

Can Doctors Treat Lip Warts


Yes in the end we managed to have the package, here

and as soon as I had in my hand I could finally read by those who came: from a tree house! And already own from Caty, Caty that I drove, unknowingly ,
to open my blog.
got home here is what I found inside: a beautiful letter

and a wonderful panel this
here are the details: Spring - Summer

Autumn - Winter

the title is just "The seasons of life Caty "

I was so happy to stay without words, and of course I checked two tear while my men and beasts were looking at me curiously.
Yes dear friend of the blog are the coincidences of our lives we often say "strange"?
AND you were very good at doing this job and I know how it feels when you work for others, you continue to think - I could do better-
And I thank you also thought of this as well as the work done, I embrace too 'I tightly as I sit down with you and other friends of the blog on a branch of your tree to spend this Christmas in good company, maybe singing and toasting all together.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Problems Faced In Using A Tape Dispenser


Tuesday morning it was raining. How weird right!
But we had to go out, every man for himself, for more shopping. Back home around one o'clock we find a package in the mail and illegible bagnatissimo left by the postman, I sense a phone number and I try to call. This call:
..... do the number, ring, almost immediately a man's voice answers me - first, good morning indeed the first season's greetings to all! Can I help you? -
I remain speechless for a moment, but I recover quickly and - best wishes to you too! Excuse me, I do not know if I did the right number and if the time is but I found this box in this package, the postman has left this warning is all wet and
....- - Mrs. 's notice of a parcel, tell me the number that is on the front, starting with 50?
- aspects that look-
- Be comfortable with Mrs. ..-
- Yes here is
...- 5021 - Yes, yes it is a package, then you can choose to have it delivered at home tomorrow in the morning or go to collect all 'Fourth post office, she knows what from the railway station I ever ...-
incredulos from this intervention remain a moment of silent again and he continues
- We do the same, rest assured that nothing is lost, I say what they prefer! -
- But look .... I'm going to withdraw it, - I say - it seems easier for me than for you-
- Lady for us is the same as you would like ...-
- Yes, yes, I'm going to withdraw then.
- Very well then I write here as a result of the office phone call she will retire after the fourth of 11 tomorrow. Thank you, and I'm still happy birthday, good day.
I just had time to add - thanks to her and many still aug ...- CLIC
Upset I told all my men around the dinner table. Yesterday
on time at 11, accompanied by Andrea in the car because the stand does not exist, the office and introduced myself, I got the ticket and the P165 were serving the 161, just think a moment and I'm out of patience. After that moment (!) Used the kind of patience informs me that has not yet been able to "fix" that is, over the parcels of the day. And I
naive and exultant - but mine is from yesterday!
and she smiled - but we arrived this morning .-
and I - and I understand there is to wait? -
And at least half an hour ... all these gentlemen are waiting ...
were about a dozen ... and she continues - we are here until 18.30 tonight though .. and can also send someone else with the delegation .....
few words to the wise is not it? And so I'm a little 'disappointed, I say - well, well I will return in the afternoon, thanks and best wishes ....
And I'm back in the car explaining to Andrea that I should return in the afternoon.
My little children, moved with pity, he offers to go in the afternoon to collect the parcel.
Well, I say, I sign the delegation and go. Around 19
feel it coming, thinking that everything went well, I open the door smiling ... but here is his story:
your package will be tomorrow, after watching the delegation started the nice lady 3 days to explain that the postman would bring the package to the address after which, as stated in the package (which is unreadable because wet) we could pick it up, after 11, to that office. Andrea
patiently explained the facts as they were gone and she wanted to doubt (thanks to her) look on your PC if there was any other information. E (STUPORE!!)
- but you are right! There's just written that will collect here giving up three Delivery attempts! And, yes, but now who knows where your package is over if one of those who now had to be delivered or among those who now had to be picked up here!? We feel is so nice .... she comes back tomorrow morning for the 8 and I can assure you he will find his package!
And Andrew argues that almost nobody has ever agreed with. Let us
to fourth place (of course not at 8!) And see how this continues-PACK ADVENTURE!

Another bit of information for those unfamiliar with our city: a fourth, lovely part of the sea from where they started with the Mille Garibaldi, is the Psychiatric Hospital of Genoa, and when you say that someone is a bit 'out of my head saying, but you have just admitted to the Fourth! Or
to indicate the bus stop: Fourth is to, you know the crazy ....
I wonder if the air affects offices .....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Causes For Constant Increased Heart Beats

INFORMATION FOR quilters and other

https: / / / ccc? 0AvkO5nsoE0B-dENPRmtxWWFhUER4U1FpRjhhbmNiTkE key = & hl = en #



Meanwhile Enzo's birthday has passed, I prepared the noodles with mushrooms, a roostbeef that was a bit too much blood and great pie heaven.
Today I managed to make a run to the center without a code: I took the train that is going to come back and I even sitting!
And I found the Christian Gift for: toys we wanted nothing but a bit 'of pennies so that parents can make the best use. But the bag seemed too "sad" and so I found a piggy bank that Santa Claus is my own paciuto.
For all other good book accompanied by a little thought. Not everyone will be happy for the book, not all are "avid reader" but I tried to choose new titles and hope to entice even the most negative.
The tree is made, I have to fix the branches of fir nobilis I took the flower market and think about the tablecloth for the holidays.
So maybe this year we can!

What Is A Good Anime That Is Romantic And Funny

the warmth under my covers (n.27)

Arcade Fire, Neon Bible , 2007

Do You Know Where I was at your age?
Any idea where I Was at your age?
I was working downtown for the minimum wage.
And I'm not gonna let you just throw it all away.
Being cute I'm through, I'm Through Being nice,
tell me Oh, Lord, am I the Antichrist?!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What About Mahabhringraj Oil People Comments

O Captain, My Captain

I just learned from the Facebook page of Charles Bordone, a journalist Pile , that yesterday is gone Cuordibue Capitan, aka Don Van Vliet, a great artist, unattainable.
I could not really say how many times in my life, I said "Of course I like it! A lot. Why? the question: "But you really like, 'this stuff?".
The "stuff" in question was Trout Mask Replica, a 1969 made up his record in a single session of eight hours at the piano - an instrument that Captain Beefheart, clarinet and harmonica, before that time had not ever played - and then tried for months and months in a villa in the middle of who knows what the American desert and finally recorded in less than five hours.
Rock Dadaist, was called by some wit: music seriously crazy, shamanic ( Gimme dat ole time religion / Gimme dat ole time religion / Gimme dat ole time religion ), primitive, instinctive, disturbing, daughter of that unrepeatable explosion of creativity that were the late sixties, the Delta blues and free jazz wilder.

had since 1982, a record that was called Ice Cream for Crows, the Captain did not affect most.
But if you attended a bit Tom Waits post Swordfishtrombones (from Rain Dogs to Mule Variations through Bone Machine), then Captain Beefheart have heard the singing and playing a lot of times even after the 1982: the great Tom his music has had a huge influence , more honestly stated. Both
slight earth to Captain.

Nadine Jensen E Milena Velba

GIA 'IL 18!

Wow already 18 December, but because every year it falls on me so suddenly?
And I still do a lot of things and tomorrow is the birthday of Enzo: I do not even done the packets for him. And I have to go to places and bring a friend and do a little thought a walk to the library and ... decide what to do to eat for Christmas. But what the hell I've done so far??
But undoubtedly the age ........
I also have some photos to post but today, because it's sunny, I'll be out all day trying to finish everything. From tomorrow so I'll say it again devote too bad at his desk.
And you are all "ready"?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Watch Vietnam Movies Online For Free

I confess

Today, at lunch.
You talk, with my wife of this and that.
At some point you end up talking about Berlusconi, who came to buy the votes to help win the confidence of Parliament.
I say that the popes of the country can no longer surprise me: it is a full-blown villain and there is little to add.
Elena is deeper: Berlusconi is no surprise even her, but ...
"He's a businessman - albeit very strange, we know - and reason as an entrepreneur. Must achieve a certain result? You buy the skills he needs to get that result, subtracting from the competition. And there is little to add ...».
Eh, yes entrepreneurs in politics are very strange things at times.
Things with the company, perhaps, has to do much: the problem is that have nothing to do with democracy.
And who knows better than me?
Riccardo Illy not I voted for twice, I?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cycling Shiny Leggings

famous words in my part (N.93)

"If the hand is light does not mean that it is not connected to the crime."

(Alda Merini)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Is Uti Infrastructure Fund An Elss

Renegade Communists do it better!

"The intellectual is higher, lower and lower. The intellectual is more than "
(We had to beloved , Ettore Scola, 1974)

that strong, Massimo D'Alema!

The day before yesterday was a communist (you know the communists, right? Those who believed that giving to one of the 'Social' was much worse than give him the jerk), Social yesterday ( because it would be "a ' Italian anomaly " - remember? - an olive tree that European social democracy from the thought of whatever) and now ... but today is over, right? Indeed, more than!
Why Social Democracy is not enough, gosh. He wrote a few days ago, the intelligent D'Alema, on a comic than as à la page between reformists Noantri ( "the main challenge that the Socialists and Social Democrats face today is the design of a new political cycle, which should not be a simple return to the old traditional social democratic model. Rather, we must consider the contribution of European social democracy can offer to a coalition of liberal and democratic. I say this not only in terms of party, but also in cultural and social terms broader and deeper. A broad coalition of social democracy which will be only one component ) and this may well be true but it sounds terrible, he said.
not know about you, but I just hate it are those who think they are perfectly capable of playing all the parts in comedy and with equally brilliant results ...
The problem, however, is only the public and the public, given that - incredibly! - Massimo D'Alema his audience have it yet.
and mica are better alternatives. We

I remember it well, me, the imaginative Nichi, when he went around Italy after the Bolognina, Boeotian to explain to people that it was so good to continue to call themselves communists, and that no? Gli piaceva un sacco, quella vecchia narrazione del Novecento, al nostro. Così diceva, almeno. E – sapete? - lo diceva precisamente con la stessa prosopopea che sfoggia di questi tempi: ma la stessa proprio sputata sputata, eh!
Poi l'ho visto sedere soddisfatto, per anni annorum, accanto al pensoso Fausto Bertinotti, il subcomandante degli happy hour: gli piaceva una botta, al Nichi, la narrazione del Fausto e lo comunicava molto volentieri a tout le monde perché, si sa, lui è uno comunicativo. E sempre con la stessa prosopopea che sfoggia di questi tempi, lo comunicava: ma la stessa proprio sputata sputata, eh!
Poi me lo vedo negli ultimi mesi, negli ultimi giorni, in giro a destra e a manca dopo esser stato miracolato dall'intelligentissimo D'Alema che per ben due volte ha scelto di fargli la guerra, giù in Puglia, e mica candidandoglisi contro direttamente, cosa che avrei pure capito, bensì utilizzando tutte e due le volte lo stesso carneade - anzi lo stesso utile idiota (leninisticamente parlando, si intende...) - nella convinzione, squisitamente progressista, che a) mai e poi mai i pugliesi – gente tradizionalmente moderata e timorata di dio - avrebbero votato per un comunista omosessuale e che b) la Puglia fosse cosa sua e solo sua, e quindi i pugliesi potevano benissimo votare per il cavallo del politico più intelligente d'Italia e si ricordassero pure di ringraziare.
Invece Vendola, ah ah ah, won ... By the way, you know, if a few months ago Adriana Poli Bortone had not decided to run alone to the PDL facciaccia Puglia, maybe we would bring all telling a different story, we'd be. But so be it.
Now, since long, left, D'Alema is considered a sort of King Midas in reverse - everything he touches turns to shit: what is known - to his well- for twice-Nichi-enemy Vendola is touched by the force of rising to heights Iperuranio , among the many orphans of the Italian left (perhaps only among the orphans of the Communist left Italian, which was not something so trivial to deserve having the receivers D'Alema, a mold or a Veltroni).
And here we are, to date: Nichi, Nichi, Nichi! You save us!
It was Silvio, to teach us: a lonely man in command will save us all! Nichi Nichi call it that then why call him Silvio, Silvio, no?
Vendola yesterday was a Communist, the other day - along with Fausto Bertinotti - stirred bullshit in the name of 'radical left' (if people remember, "two lefts" ?) And now proclaims that he hates to hear of the left radical because the radical left does not mean (effettivamente. ..) nothing.
And always with the same solemnity, the Vendola, eh: sempre con la stessa faccia come il culo.
Tutte le parti in commedia, via... Anzi, tutte le parti nella sceneggiata: iss', ess' e o' malament'.
Tanto il pubblico - dopo sedici anni di berlusconismo che, tra le altre cose, hanno letteralmente raso al suolo la sinistra italiana - è di bocca buonissima.
Massimo più oltre e Nichi: e sarebbe 'sta gente, a doverci salvare, sì?

E al di là dell'aspra invettiva - qualcuno potrebbe chiedermi - cosa proponi?
Di ricominciare a studiare, intanto.
Poi di andare meno in tivvù.
Poi di lasciar perdere la politica as a personal biography, politics and policy as a narrative as a narrative of a personal biography.
Then stop sign blank proxies to anyone, and especially to some valiant leaders from talk show.
Then let go of all those people who autoassolve in the conviction of being the eternal victim of bad policy and not the mother of the same.
Then remember to say 'we' sometimes.
Then, if it is not too disgusting, to rediscover a little 'taste of indignation and intransigence.
Finally, to give himself time. Why
to quit 'I'm terrible mess will take time. And much

Monday, December 6, 2010

Pregnant With A Prolapsed Disc

A Highly recommended reading (and a review, maybe ...)

"Silvio Berlusconi is a great communicator."

"Umberto Bossi is a political animal from the extraordinary sense of smell."

"D'Alema, left, is the smartest."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mahabhringraj Oil Comments


Although it is a beautiful day and sometimes the clouds cover the sun finally managed to take a walk, so today the sea is, and always fascinates me.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bella Marco Polo Pasta Recipe

Today I went into a store where used items are old things at minimum prices.
Items I certainly have a history in, or perhaps not used by people who are gone.
It took me a terrible nostalgia: I must admit that lately they are easy prey to this feeling and then just enough for me .....
I saw leaning on the shelves of a library 60 books and journals known, I recognized the colors of the covers as well as titles, old photos of young VIP, there were also magazines ITALIAN CUISINE year 1954! I had two years since.
I also recognized the latest example of mobile children's room from the '70s, when I was the babysitter and then those attending brand new furniture.
And there was even a modern kitchen 60s, yet with true belief, but with a high roof supported by a work plan for Formica.
Who among you can say what is the ant?
And going over a big box of vinyl records, 45 and 33 rpm, sell them at 0.50 euro each.
I seem to remember the price of less than a thousand pounds. But I'm not sure.
I have not looked at the titles. I already had a lump in my throat and did not seem the case.
But then I saw a wooden desk, linear like a box, with space for legs and a side door. It said DESK GREEN ONLY 20 EURO. Already
was his only feature: the whole painted a bright green is not acid, a typical green 70. But I remembered it all black, the desk was my favorite cousin, much older than me and who I admired very much. Closer to the desk when I was 4 years was a particular emotion: he took cover in a model airplane with the motor running and there was un'odore oil and gasoline that intoxicated me. I never saw the plane fly but I like to think that would fly very well.
Certainly the desk is not green but looks like a lot, I have not had the courage to open the door and if we had found that smell?

Meanwhile, Zoe is settling well, particularly loves to perch on our shoulders: to eat or do while I sew or iron looks like a parrot. But when she is tired
prefer broader shoulders and quiet.

Meanwhile I'm working on Christmas day, a lot of projects but also the head with his hands, although I would be faster.
I would say that this is the Christmas spirit that I like: design and make in complete confusion.
This is the first work: the advent calendar for Christian

The panel found it in a flea market, I packed the bags, I put in a tiny, tiny little surprise and a tape colorato li ho legati agli anellini corrispondenti ai giorni di dicembre. Quest'anno sarà Helena a divertirsi ma credo che già l'anno prossimo sarà lui a cercare i sacchetti giusti.
Ho iniziato a fare anche le scorzette di arance candite ma di nascosto perchè altrimenti a Natale non ci arrivano, poi mi dedicherò ai panettoni e vorrei fare anche qualcosa con la pasta di sale. Insomma idee tante ma.....