Friday, November 26, 2010

Big Fan Trailer Boobs

You see that you care

Above or below?
front or behind?
Soup or wet bread?
Catherine of Aragon or Anne Boleyn? The
goes or nothing?
Indian or cowboy?
To be or not to be? Pele or Maradona
bread or pastries?
still or sparkling?
Beatles or Rolling Stones?
meat or fish?
Blondes or more?
Stalin or Trotsky?
With or without?
Hot or cold?
High or low?
Dogs or cats?
With me or against me?
singles or married?
much or little?
Long or short?
Dead or alive?
Guard or a thief?
Standing or sitting?
gallery or audience?
Fat or thin?
Right or wrong?
Slow or fast?
Sail or motor?
On or off?
theory or practice?
Lusco or rough?
With or without sugar? Toscani
or Cubans?
Suns or bad company?
Sea or mountain?

You ... disoriented?
worry, come on.
Now do the primary and spending all ...


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