Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bella Marco Polo Pasta Recipe

Today I went into a store where used items are old things at minimum prices.
Items I certainly have a history in, or perhaps not used by people who are gone.
It took me a terrible nostalgia: I must admit that lately they are easy prey to this feeling and then just enough for me .....
I saw leaning on the shelves of a library 60 books and journals known, I recognized the colors of the covers as well as titles, old photos of young VIP, there were also magazines ITALIAN CUISINE year 1954! I had two years since.
I also recognized the latest example of mobile children's room from the '70s, when I was the babysitter and then those attending brand new furniture.
And there was even a modern kitchen 60s, yet with true belief, but with a high roof supported by a work plan for Formica.
Who among you can say what is the ant?
And going over a big box of vinyl records, 45 and 33 rpm, sell them at 0.50 euro each.
I seem to remember the price of less than a thousand pounds. But I'm not sure.
I have not looked at the titles. I already had a lump in my throat and did not seem the case.
But then I saw a wooden desk, linear like a box, with space for legs and a side door. It said DESK GREEN ONLY 20 EURO. Already
was his only feature: the whole painted a bright green is not acid, a typical green 70. But I remembered it all black, the desk was my favorite cousin, much older than me and who I admired very much. Closer to the desk when I was 4 years was a particular emotion: he took cover in a model airplane with the motor running and there was un'odore oil and gasoline that intoxicated me. I never saw the plane fly but I like to think that would fly very well.
Certainly the desk is not green but looks like a lot, I have not had the courage to open the door and if we had found that smell?

Meanwhile, Zoe is settling well, particularly loves to perch on our shoulders: to eat or do while I sew or iron looks like a parrot. But when she is tired
prefer broader shoulders and quiet.

Meanwhile I'm working on Christmas day, a lot of projects but also the head with his hands, although I would be faster.
I would say that this is the Christmas spirit that I like: design and make in complete confusion.
This is the first work: the advent calendar for Christian

The panel found it in a flea market, I packed the bags, I put in a tiny, tiny little surprise and a tape colorato li ho legati agli anellini corrispondenti ai giorni di dicembre. Quest'anno sarà Helena a divertirsi ma credo che già l'anno prossimo sarà lui a cercare i sacchetti giusti.
Ho iniziato a fare anche le scorzette di arance candite ma di nascosto perchè altrimenti a Natale non ci arrivano, poi mi dedicherò ai panettoni e vorrei fare anche qualcosa con la pasta di sale. Insomma idee tante ma.....

Sito Ufficiale Di Monica Roccaforte

L'armata Brancaleone (Mario Monicelli)

"Believe it cavalcone it! It takes "


In reality, this film masterpiece, a joke is not enough. I could put other winds.
What do I know?
- "You may have heard, I suppose, by the name of Groppone Figulle"
- "I never covered up!"
- "fue Figulle Groppone by the greatest captain of Tuscia. And I am the one who with one stroke of the ax cut it in half. The my name - be careful! - The east Brancaleone my name. From Norcia !
Or maybe
- "is not my fault, but the evil beast!"
- "Aquilante of bad luck!"
- "In your instruction. Do you know which is, in this black valley, the finding and the award of any human sacrifice? Kick up the backside! From now on I will nomato the bitter knight! "

first I thought that de " the cavalcone " just because it takes the piss out of people of faith, of being taken for a ride so they always need.
Mario Monicelli (an Italian "pretended cynicism because he did not like the rhetoric" , as he wanted to remember the genius of Paolo Villaggio) is gone.
And when he is gone and choosing as.
The earth is slightly

Friday, November 26, 2010

Big Fan Trailer Boobs

You see that you care

Above or below?
front or behind?
Soup or wet bread?
Catherine of Aragon or Anne Boleyn? The
goes or nothing?
Indian or cowboy?
To be or not to be? Pele or Maradona
bread or pastries?
still or sparkling?
Beatles or Rolling Stones?
meat or fish?
Blondes or more?
Stalin or Trotsky?
With or without?
Hot or cold?
High or low?
Dogs or cats?
With me or against me?
singles or married?
much or little?
Long or short?
Dead or alive?
Guard or a thief?
Standing or sitting?
gallery or audience?
Fat or thin?
Right or wrong?
Slow or fast?
Sail or motor?
On or off?
theory or practice?
Lusco or rough?
With or without sugar? Toscani
or Cubans?
Suns or bad company?
Sea or mountain?

You ... disoriented?
worry, come on.
Now do the primary and spending all ...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Indian Drivers License Template


Ed ecco gli ultimi arrivati :

Christian che finalmente ha occupato il suo posto a tavola

e che si rivela sempre più simpatico (oltre che bello!!)

e Zoe, la nuova kitten that I finally decided to accept the house

He has made nine months, wants to stand up and touch everything. And he laughs laughs laughs. You have 50 days

is scared but curious. E 'arrived yesterday evening and is now in the bathroom.

Grey is a little concerned about both, but walks away with dignity and look ...

And maybe it had stopped raining ......

Monday, November 8, 2010

Brazilian Waxing In Helsinki

red cover the first part

First Wednesday of the laboratory.
We agreed to prepare a pail with cover applications sunbonnet for wheelchairs or beds, which then sold and the proceeds will go to charity.

It begins, as usual, in total chaos: try to put together more than 10 ladies in a big room and see what happens!
But little by little each of us has begun to prepare some of the work.

who began to trace the figures on paper biadhesive
and who has begun to crop

while others took care to cut the pail, a task not easy

to make the corners round here is good old plate method: place the pot on the 4 corners

si segna con il gessetto

si taglia con attenzione

ed ecco il risultato che verrà poi rifinito con un bordino

intanto si scelgono i colori da abbinare per il vestito, il cappello ecc

le stoffe sono tutte belle, le abbiamo comperate a Vicenza e gli abbinamenti continuano
a questo punto si trattava di trasferire la carta biadesiva sulla stoffa, ritagliare e voilà!
Not everything went so smoothly: disappeared hands, ears and cat tails of sheep and station irons was not definitely put in a rational way! But in the end we managed

Sue here with the sheep

and this is the first cover

Certainly this is not the view says a lot, in fact we must finish it for good with a sewing and a few states ricamino. We have prepared
4, at the next meeting we will move forward with other covers and bags and then always with this panel theme.
At the end we will make a sale of the whole and the proceeds will be given to charity.

Back at home, I started the preparations for Christmas, and hang things to give away.
But to see them pass a little 'time.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sim Hack Program For Sidekick


Here are the latest panels Halloween

another bat

and a pumpkin from "trick or treat"

arranged on shelves in the hall, where do those the crib
and after I tried to do the second pretzel recipe Lost colic WATER. Even if they did not come perfect liked the same and we have them finished quickly.

Soon, I believe, tell the last Wednesday patchwork: a photographic chronicle of a working group that started a bit 'too chaotic, however, has produced excellent results. FANTASY AND HOBBY
And tomorrow at the Porto Antico, again we'll make the eyes with stoffine and various colors.
There will also be a pleasant break in chip shops, under the ancient arches of Piazza Caricamento to eat fried fish!