Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Pokemon World Online Fruits Location
Hello everyone! I leave this article on the project that I wrote for the pantry!
Flavia Coffee II C
science junior
rooted prejudice against a humanist who sees science as a subject too difficult and notional approach, Caffescienza intends to reintroduce it in the cultural debate by reducing the gap with other disciplines and deal with it informally promoting the direct involvement of diverse audiences. More precisely
coffee science is in an open meeting to territory where there is conversation on scientific subjects in the company of some experts, but without self-play formula of the conference, accompanying the debate with a glass of wine or a slice of cake.
Born in France in the late nineties, cafés scientifiques have spread in Britain and other countries of the world, involving Italy. In Rome, the association of researchers FormaScienza echoed project also extending it to schools so that Caffèscienza Junior, by two researchers FormaScienza, involved high school students we Mamiani integrating into the larger project of study of human sexuality and animal "The enigma of sexuality."
The event itself, held May 20, was the result of a long journey. We met several times, and whether the school timetable in the afternoon to share the work, define the topics, choose the guests and organize the event.
The first step was to choose the main topic. Each of us has given vent to their curiosity about the world science (always keeping in the context of sexuality) and, fortunately, we noticed that many questions were shared. After a careful work of synthesis we have formulated some questions that might guide the discussion and outlined the basic intention of coffee: understanding, analyzing in the animal and human homosexuality, monogamy, the tendency to perversion, sensuality and courtship, the limits applicable to the environment and biology in the determination of such behavior and observe differences and similarities between human society and the animal.
In relation to the matter was quite simple to choose the two experts. We contacted Professor. Alleva, etologo docente all’Istituto Superiore di Sanità, e la professoressa Silvaggi, psicologa. Alcuni di noi sono andati nei loro studi per presentare il progetto e gli esperti hanno aderito alla nostra proposta con entusiasmo.
L’ultimo passo, non meno impegnativo, è stato quello di organizzare l’evento. Dopo aver deciso la sede del Caffèscienza, ovvero l’atrio del nostro liceo, alcuni si sono impegnati nell’allestimento della sala, altri in quello del buffet. Dei ragazzi invece si sono presi il compito di scegliere filmati e letture che accompagnassero la discussione per favorirne la dinamicità e risvegliare l’attenzione.
Il Caffèscienza, grazie alla sua formula, ha promosso la diretta partecipazione e la responsabilizzazione degli studenti, l’autogestione del progetto, è stata l’occasione di misurarci con il mondo universitario e del lavoro.
E’ stato un metodo di apprendimento basato sulla richiesta e non sull’imposizione, un modo di porci rispetto allo studio in maniera attiva e critica.
Ci ha permesso di penetrare la scienza nei suoi lati inesplorati, di considerare il mondo animale non secondo un’ottica unilaterale e banalizzante, ma come profondamente simile, nei suoi istinti, alle passioni ancestrali che governano la nostra società.
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