posters and other
currently unable to load the poster on the blog, despite this I have created a usable copy pdf to resolve all pending a problem of file conversion. Anyone interested in seeing the poster is please send me an email at: .
warn anyone who made the poster, the image is no good basic choice: in fact, the image resolution is too low in comparison to the size of an A4, let alone those of a sheet of larger sizes. The image is very grainy, the same image should be sought with greater resolution.
pastes also sent an email to Professor Giulio Ciriaci from circular to all go in, you may be interested, read and respond.
parts taken from:
Olivia Judson, "Recommendations sexual animal in crisis"
send you a few questions of the book that I think are pretty good and can be integrated in the arguments monogamy, perversion, homosexuality and falling in love ... (In the book is a bit 'of everything!)
could not forward them to Thomas or the other? I unfortunately do not have the mail list, and this afternoon I have no time even to breathe ... but I will by Wednesday, the book Martina (maybe tomorrow will not go to school) and she will also see the answers (unfortunately they are longish, from 3 to 5 pages, and writing is a bit 'challenging ...), but there are examples of responses on web site of Dr. Tatiana (Tatiana doctor), that the last time ...
Perversions (though not really too much, but maybe if grooming a bit 'more about the book I can find something nicer ... but I do not remember at what point it was!)
dottoresa Dear Tatiana, are
marine iguana giovai puzzled by today. Meeting everywhere boys who masturbate in front of my eyes! E 'disgusting! I'm sure at the time of Darwin would not have dared to do so. How can I stop them?
Disgusted, Galapagos
dottoresa Dear Tatiana,
not to brag, but my son is just a nice manatee. But I'm worried, because he likes to kiss boys. What can I do to bring it back on track?
EterOrgoglioso, Florida Keys
dottoresa Dear Tatiana,
my husband and I, happily married for years, we dsgustati from what we read in his column. We are dedicated Urubu not to any such indecent practices that she regularly claims to be normal and we think everyone should follow our example. Write something in favor of marital fidelity, or be silent forever! Vultures
Family, Louisiana
"Falling in Love?"
dottoresa Dear Tatiana, are an indicator
Indian owner of a magnificent land, a rock wall we can boast many hives of giant ape in India. A lot of girls come to see me and we are forever. They say to do it for love, but I am afraid that the real reason is another: after sex can gulp of beeswax. I would like some words of comfort, thanks. Waxed
suspicion, Himalaya
These are just examples, and then recommend it to Martina prettiest parts of the book ... write e-mail is a bit 'cause I'm a bit compesso' here, a little 'and as there already I mentioned are "here" in passing ...
... tomorrow,
Julius II
Sami G
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