Thanks to Silvaggi & Tomorrow
Allego la mail di Simone alla gentilissima Professoressa Silvaggi, a breve metterò anche response and mail to breed.
I take this opportunity to thank Thomas in particular, for joining us and supported this wonderful project. Thanks again to all for your cooperation, and congratulations, job well done;).
Dear Doctor,
We are writing this email to thank you sincerely for your participation in our Coffee Science. It 'been a pleasure to have you as our guest. As you will have surely noticed, the meeting proved a big hit among the audience (family, friends and professors) and has been appreciated our work, or your unavailability to contribute to a project carried out by young students. We hope you have
had the same pleasure in working with us. We'll soon have a copy of the poster when it is ready and put them on Blog ( video del'incontro.
Thanks again and hope to collaborate again in the future, I offer, along with our teachers, our most cordial greetings.
Classes II and II G C T. High School Mamiani.
Sami IIG
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What Would You Say Someone For Bereavement
other notice to Thomas
Hi Thomas,
We urgently need an opinion about when and where you should place the posters for the event and distributed i volantini.
Se hai qualche idea o suggerimento non esitare a scrivere via mail alla Ciriaci o a
Rimaniamo a disposizione.
Sami II G e Sibilla II G
Hi Thomas,
We urgently need an opinion about when and where you should place the posters for the event and distributed i volantini.
Se hai qualche idea o suggerimento non esitare a scrivere via mail alla Ciriaci o a
Rimaniamo a disposizione.
Sami II G e Sibilla II G
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Matlab Toolbox Path 2007a
Qui c'è la piccola presentazione del caffèscienza..spero vada bene! Ciao a tutti!
L'uomo è solamente una specie animale fra tante o è un essere culturale staccato dalle regole dell'evoluzione biologica? Quale caratteristica prevale, l'istinto animale, legato all'eredità genetica, o l'apprendimento, frutto dell'eredità culturale? Nell’incontro affronteremo l'enigma della sessualità negli esseri umani e negli animali. Interverranno la dott.ssa Cinzia Silvaggi,psicologa docente della SERS e il dott. Enrico Alleva, etologo, research director del dipartimento di Biologia cellulare e Neuroscienze dell’ISS. Approfondiremo gli aspetti di questa dicotomia insita nell'uomo, che si trova costantemente diviso tra ciò che "sente" di fare e ciò che gli viene imposto dalle norme morali dettate dalla società. Ad esempio, se non vi fossero tabù sociali, l'uomo avrebbe ugualmente preferito la monogamia alla poligamia, o viceversa, avrebbe scelto la strada di un maggior successo evolutivo? Saremmo forse più liberi di esprimere la nostra sessualità, senza spendere così tanto tempo to suppress, and without fear that what we do can be considered "evil" from the common feeling? In short, we look at the contact points and differences between humans and other animals in the sexual sphere, trying to determine which is the influence of biological and anthropological factors on our behavior.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
My Period Is Very Mucusy
Denise Milani Clip 2009
posters and other
currently unable to load the poster on the blog, despite this I have created a usable copy pdf to resolve all pending a problem of file conversion. Anyone interested in seeing the poster is please send me an email at: .
warn anyone who made the poster, the image is no good basic choice: in fact, the image resolution is too low in comparison to the size of an A4, let alone those of a sheet of larger sizes. The image is very grainy, the same image should be sought with greater resolution.
pastes also sent an email to Professor Giulio Ciriaci from circular to all go in, you may be interested, read and respond.
parts taken from:
Olivia Judson, "Recommendations sexual animal in crisis"
send you a few questions of the book that I think are pretty good and can be integrated in the arguments monogamy, perversion, homosexuality and falling in love ... (In the book is a bit 'of everything!)
could not forward them to Thomas or the other? I unfortunately do not have the mail list, and this afternoon I have no time even to breathe ... but I will by Wednesday, the book Martina (maybe tomorrow will not go to school) and she will also see the answers (unfortunately they are longish, from 3 to 5 pages, and writing is a bit 'challenging ...), but there are examples of responses on web site of Dr. Tatiana (Tatiana doctor), that the last time ...
Perversions (though not really too much, but maybe if grooming a bit 'more about the book I can find something nicer ... but I do not remember at what point it was!)
dottoresa Dear Tatiana, are
marine iguana giovai puzzled by today. Meeting everywhere boys who masturbate in front of my eyes! E 'disgusting! I'm sure at the time of Darwin would not have dared to do so. How can I stop them?
Disgusted, Galapagos
dottoresa Dear Tatiana,
not to brag, but my son is just a nice manatee. But I'm worried, because he likes to kiss boys. What can I do to bring it back on track?
EterOrgoglioso, Florida Keys
dottoresa Dear Tatiana,
my husband and I, happily married for years, we dsgustati from what we read in his column. We are dedicated Urubu not to any such indecent practices that she regularly claims to be normal and we think everyone should follow our example. Write something in favor of marital fidelity, or be silent forever! Vultures
Family, Louisiana
"Falling in Love?"
dottoresa Dear Tatiana, are an indicator
Indian owner of a magnificent land, a rock wall we can boast many hives of giant ape in India. A lot of girls come to see me and we are forever. They say to do it for love, but I am afraid that the real reason is another: after sex can gulp of beeswax. I would like some words of comfort, thanks. Waxed
suspicion, Himalaya
These are just examples, and then recommend it to Martina prettiest parts of the book ... write e-mail is a bit 'cause I'm a bit compesso' here, a little 'and as there already I mentioned are "here" in passing ...
... tomorrow,
Julius II
Sami G
currently unable to load the poster on the blog, despite this I have created a usable copy pdf to resolve all pending a problem of file conversion. Anyone interested in seeing the poster is please send me an email at: .
warn anyone who made the poster, the image is no good basic choice: in fact, the image resolution is too low in comparison to the size of an A4, let alone those of a sheet of larger sizes. The image is very grainy, the same image should be sought with greater resolution.
pastes also sent an email to Professor Giulio Ciriaci from circular to all go in, you may be interested, read and respond.
parts taken from:
Olivia Judson, "Recommendations sexual animal in crisis"
send you a few questions of the book that I think are pretty good and can be integrated in the arguments monogamy, perversion, homosexuality and falling in love ... (In the book is a bit 'of everything!)
could not forward them to Thomas or the other? I unfortunately do not have the mail list, and this afternoon I have no time even to breathe ... but I will by Wednesday, the book Martina (maybe tomorrow will not go to school) and she will also see the answers (unfortunately they are longish, from 3 to 5 pages, and writing is a bit 'challenging ...), but there are examples of responses on web site of Dr. Tatiana (Tatiana doctor), that the last time ...
Perversions (though not really too much, but maybe if grooming a bit 'more about the book I can find something nicer ... but I do not remember at what point it was!)
dottoresa Dear Tatiana, are
marine iguana giovai puzzled by today. Meeting everywhere boys who masturbate in front of my eyes! E 'disgusting! I'm sure at the time of Darwin would not have dared to do so. How can I stop them?
Disgusted, Galapagos
dottoresa Dear Tatiana,
not to brag, but my son is just a nice manatee. But I'm worried, because he likes to kiss boys. What can I do to bring it back on track?
EterOrgoglioso, Florida Keys
dottoresa Dear Tatiana,
my husband and I, happily married for years, we dsgustati from what we read in his column. We are dedicated Urubu not to any such indecent practices that she regularly claims to be normal and we think everyone should follow our example. Write something in favor of marital fidelity, or be silent forever! Vultures
Family, Louisiana
"Falling in Love?"
dottoresa Dear Tatiana, are an indicator
Indian owner of a magnificent land, a rock wall we can boast many hives of giant ape in India. A lot of girls come to see me and we are forever. They say to do it for love, but I am afraid that the real reason is another: after sex can gulp of beeswax. I would like some words of comfort, thanks. Waxed
suspicion, Himalaya
These are just examples, and then recommend it to Martina prettiest parts of the book ... write e-mail is a bit 'cause I'm a bit compesso' here, a little 'and as there already I mentioned are "here" in passing ...
... tomorrow,
Julius II
Sami G
Where To Get A Replacement Yellow Card
I present an estimate of expenditure for the buffet:
-30 bottles d'acqua(15 frizzante e 15 naturale)
-6 bottiglie di prosecco
-10 bottiglie di succo di frutta
-5 pacchi grandi di patatine
-2 pacchi di patatine al formaggio
-5 bottiglie di coca cola
-salatini vario formato circa 1kg
-piatti e bicchieri di plastica
-tovaglia di carta a metraggio
-pizzette rosse circa 2 kg
per un totale di 160 euro circa
se qualcuno ritiene che sia necessario aggiungere qualcos'altro
o per qualsiasi chiarimento me lo faccia sapere e provvederò!
un saluto a tutti!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Milena Velba Single Party 2
Hello everyone! Here is the list of things that we can bring to us for refreshments of 2c:
gay Cenciarelli: 1 2 pies and tarts
eleonora Sabatelli: sweet crepes
Elisa Serra: spring rolls
Francesco Guarino: 1 pineapple cake and a rustic pie
blessed Giuliani: something salty
federica Ciampoli: a rustic pie
eleonora torch: a tiramisu and a chocolate salami
silvia prosperous: a rustic pie
Bartholomew / Cole: 1 cake
As for food it seems to me that by incorporating these things with those del 2g, dovrebbe bastare, sempre che tutti portino effettivamente ciò che avevano stabilito, senza ritrattare all'ultimo secondo.
Per quanto riguarda le cose da bere Silvio posterà a breve il preventivo preciso.
Grazie a tutti!
Sample Ofbirthday Inviation Messages
elenco le cose che noi del 2g porteremo per il rinfresco.
-torta salata (adriano)
-crostata (silve)
-2 dolci al cioccolato(martina)
-tartine/pizzette (prof)
-pasta brisèe ( samir)
grazie a tutti per il preventivo aspetto notizie dal ragazzo dell'altra classe(che aveva prezzi all'ingrosso) specialmente per le cose da bere.
saluti adriano
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Second Hand Clothes From Scotland
Cari ragazzi, il tempo stringe e abbiamo bisogno di risolvere al più presto alcuni problemi:
- il più urgente è sicuramente la locandina: Flavia e coloro che hanno dichiarato disponibilità a lavorare su questo sono in contatto con i ragazzi di II G responsabili della locandina? Se no devono farlo al più presto, dobbiamo avere una locandina in tempi brevissimi.
- avete letto sul blog il messaggio di Tommaso? Bisogna preparare un’introduzione alla serata, chi si prende questo incarico? Chi ha voti migliori in italiano? Potrebbe essere la persona most suitable.
- Frank, you have a series of answers to be given by tomorrow ..... please, let us know
- Silvio, you have the budget required? By tomorrow than you have to let us know.
Guys ... I recommend .... try to make one last effort because everything comes out well! The prof
Lita Vs Trish Stratus Srip Match
I wrote both to the farmers that the Silvaggi all the details that we established in our last meeting. Alleva told me, the Silvaggi not yet. There
around the email Alleva, whom I have already answered that can who wants to bring to our evening. Hello, Carolina
seems to me that is fine, indeed, congratulations
> to the script and the subject.
can come with me some (few) students of my university course
interested to see how you
"offers" teaching science to young people of
will be my assistant for the slides,
Enrico Alleva
> to the script and the subject.
can come with me some (few) students of my university course
interested to see how you
"offers" teaching science to young people of
will be my assistant for the slides,
Enrico Alleva
Friday, May 7, 2010
Aluminum Ramps For Trucks Perth
Less two weeks ... Summary
I remind you that within two or three days should be done the following things:
- the head of the poster have to have everyone (by email or here on the blog) three or more drafts of possible bills, we must decide in a hurry!
- in charge of refreshments (Adriano) must turn to Silvio for the estimates, which then will send us by email or here on the blog.
Finally I would ask someone to write a few lines of the presentation of science to put coffee on our site: you must understand a little 'more detail of what you speak. For example, you could write it from four questions.
To make you understand better, I give you the link last our coffee science (not junior):
Who does it?
you soon and good luck!
I remind you that within two or three days should be done the following things:
- the head of the poster have to have everyone (by email or here on the blog) three or more drafts of possible bills, we must decide in a hurry!
- in charge of refreshments (Adriano) must turn to Silvio for the estimates, which then will send us by email or here on the blog.
Finally I would ask someone to write a few lines of the presentation of science to put coffee on our site: you must understand a little 'more detail of what you speak. For example, you could write it from four questions.
To make you understand better, I give you the link last our coffee science (not junior):
Who does it?
you soon and good luck!
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