Thursday, April 8, 2010

Does A Stone Stuck In The Urethra Cause Pain?

matches Simonelli

I am attaching the mail sent to Professor Simon written to inform and invite a guest to our event and the response thereof.

Dear Professor Simon, who writes is a group of students from the Liceo Classico Mamiani. It is our intention to organize an activity of "Caffescienza junior" or an opportunity to discuss topics and issues with experts in science and beyond, chosen by the students.
The issue that we face concerning sexuality in the animal world in relation to all its aspects, the most strictly biological, but also cultural, social, psychological.
A study done we saw that she is involved in research in these fields and we would be very happy if he accepted our invitation. With her will be our guest Professor Enrico Alleva, who graduated in Biological Sciences and President of the Italian Society of Ethology.
The meeting should be held, date to be determined, in the period between the first and 24th days of May.
In the case of positive response we'd like to meet her as soon as possible to discuss more details of the issues that we face during the activity.
can visit the blog that we opened on the Internet at this link:
For more information please feel absolutely free to contact me.

Sincerely, Simone
Tonnicchia II G Liceo Mamiani

Dear Simone,
The idea is very attractive to me. However
the month of May is at risk because I will be abroad a lot.
Since I have a nice working group would be the same whether to participate in an expert colleague of mine?
There is however ruled out the dates May 9 to 14 that we are all at a conference in Oporto.
you soon and good work

Prof. Chiara Simonelli
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
E-mail: @ chiara.simonelli

Sami G II


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