Friday, October 5, 2007

Drugs For Type 2 Diabetes

Grillo and Roma

Grillus hodie scripsit:
" A country can not live beyond their means. A country can not pass on its citizens, the problems caused by tens of thousands of Roma from Romania who arrived in Italy. The objection Valium is always the same: Romania is in Europe. But what is Europe? Migration wild people out of work from one country to another? Without the knowledge of the language, without the possibility of hosting? every day I receive hundreds of letters on Roma 'a volcano, a time bomb. It should be defused. You could do a moratorium for Romania, is been applied in other European countries. You could make a serious access control. But it was not done nulla.Un government that does not guarantee the security of its citizens what they are, what rules? Who pays for this insecurity are the weakest, the elderly, those living in suburbs, in houses popolari.Una once were sacred borders of homeland, the politicians have them defrocked. "Unequivocally

outrageous ... The ultra-conservative U.S. press of the last century wrote the same things about Italians, about the "Negroes" (they used only this term) and Puerto Ricans. No effort of understanding, any integration project, no desire for knowledge and deepening. We are not all'antipolitica, siamo all'anti-Ragione. E quando Goya dipinse il celebre "el sueno de la razon produce monstruos" prefigurava qualcosa di simile.
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