paranormal stuff seriously
I read in the newspapers that ' investigation into the disappearance of the poor is now deemed Yara Gambirasio "dominus and without too many missteps" or as "a sequence of events in which the" gaps "have prevailed over" full "" : the police to "immediately on solito sospetto, cioè l'immigrato (in ogni indagine che si rispetti in cui la vittima sia un italiano, ancora meglio se un'italiana, ne deve per forza saltar fuori uno, ormai: stavolta è toccato a tal Mohammed Fikri, marocchino); le indagini della Mobile su un testimone, Enrico Tironi, a lungo considerato attendibile ma che ha finito per rivelersi un mitomane; i Ros su un cantiere edile che viene scandagliato persino con un geo-radar e dulcis in fundo...
Beh, dulcis in fundo ci sono state «le segnalazioni delle sensitive a Udine e Forlì».
Le sensitive.
Cioè, come da vocabolario, delle «persone dotate di facoltà paranormali».
«A metà gennaio - wrote yesterday the Republic - the sorceress yet another big shot: Yara searching in the village of Vias (Udine). You dig there, too: a hoax. "
He dug , you know? And, although he had told the sorceress, under the ground there was nothing, absolutely nothing: the body of Yara, poor child, was, incredibly, elsewhere.
I do not know what to say.
I feel bad about asking which section of the budget will end the tour of the investigators in Vias (in the town of Socchieve, province of Udine) to verify the particulars of the witch, even the sensitive, in permanent contact, I presume, to the soul mortacci of them his own. I feel bad
, yes.
And therefore, what the fuck, but we are in this? To the witches? And the mother of Yara
Gambirasio who was investigating him said, yes?
told him that was over to find out where her daughter had to confer with the sorceress, but rather with the psychic?