Monday, January 31, 2011

How Long Do They Cystic Fibrosis Live

7 7

I seem to recall that for the Pythagoreans to 3 over the 7 was also a magic number: I got this job to a friend "Magic" I accept and I hasten to cast write 7 things about me:
  1. continue to be insecure as I thought / hoped that reached a certain age would not have been more.
  2. try to be sincere and I have not figured it would be better not
  3. always try to be consistent and often, indeed always, my consistency is reproached me in fact if not in words
  4. And there are still bad
  5. I try not to think that there is someone who loves me
  6. try to remember the best people I know and if I can think of only the worst always use the same phrase - you just know ..... I behave accordingly
  7. try to continue to be curious but I find it increasingly difficult "icuriosirmi" of what happens to me around, so everything is always the same and repetitive!
I wrote about the jet and also I need to review. And do not take myself too seriously.
Today is an important day for us.
And yet the numbers make me think positive: 31 - 01 to 11
Because I'm not superstitious (hahaha!) Do not tell anything until it really happens. Meanwhile
is a little 'less cold, I still do patch (I dealt with the technical that scares me more than the paper below), to take care of my plants (in and out of the balcony) to read (men who hate women) to cook (a good chickpea soup in zimino, tasty soup onions, a tasty pumpkin pie and a lot of Swiss chard with prescinsoa Genovese, a delicious plum cake with candied orange peel to me - this dinner last Saturday for a couple of dear friends, while the storm raged outside.) And to sit on the couch wrapped in my first sempler watching old movies always make me cry!
Maybe with a warm and fragrant tea.
But always with the ironing board and open the iron ready mixed blessing that Zoe does not understand where is that breath of hot air!
I have not put photos but this is just for lack of time.
Currently no way to this task, I have to run to buy .... sorry.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blueprints For A Beach Buggie

Gurubuldu (was furutu)

My name is Stefano. But if my name is Roberto Saviano says that there is little to argue Ashurbanipal: Ashurbanipal my name.
Today is Thursday. But if Roberto Saviano says that today is Sunday, there is no question today is Sunday.
and the plow which traces the furrow. But if Roberto Saviano says that the track groove toothbrush, a few stories: the groove track you with a toothbrush.
My daughter's name is Mila. But if Roberto Saviano says he is actually named Silas, I can not help but bow down to his insight: yes, because I love the madness of Calabria, I called my daughter Sila .
God gave the tablets of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai, in logical analysis 'on Mount Sinai' is a complement was in place. But if Roberto Saviano claims that issue instead of an addition limitation, well, that the syntax of the Italian language as well go fuck yourself: God gave the tablets of the Law to Moses limited to Mount Sinai and who we have seen we have seen.
Mount Sinai is in Egypt. But if Roberto Saviano says he is in Israel, there is nothing to do: Israel must at once declare war to annex the Sinai to Egypt.

What? Nothing, nothing that I have it up by Roberto Saviano, I?
No, I swear: I have not got on with Saviano.
is that this morning I was reminded of an old cartoon Altan.
drawn upon a mother, taking her child, she urged: "Come, eat spinach!" . And the little: "Li Bobbio also eat? ".
Maybe nowadays does not mean much. But when they came out - late eighties, early nineties - the popular quote Norberto Bobbio, Left (ie: the parts of a post-communist left in a desperate search for new auctoritates , new slogans, new ideas, new legitimate), had reached with paroxysmal outcomes more often embarrassing.
What has this to do with Saviano, you say?
got to do, got to do ... Let us serve.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gallery Models Erotico

not live out the 80

I've got a couple of questions, guys, I turn on the head by a couple days.
But first, if you please, I must Briffa a bit ', as would the Lombardy Regional Councillor Nicole Minetti, one of those tizie that - according to my wife - Berlusconi would not come not even to dream of the board of one of its because so many companies, from their jurisdiction, may combine Epper huge disaster in politics has made them come willingly because Berlusconi - a man truly no limits, and yes - the policy is spurned seriously, if he had not understood yet (who knows, maybe even Massimo D'Alema, who wanted to reform with him the Constitution of the Republic, at this point was made) and now, at health of our fathers, we do a briefing , health, and that, my friends, as I said there Briffa One moment, no? But what is two minutes, no more: believatemi and no nerves.
Here, then: this is old stuff, eh? Veronica Lario had said it all a year and a half ago: "I can not stay with a man who frequents the minors' (translation: My husband attended not only Letizia, but also Ruby Heartbreaker - not just a minor , then, but the minors, in the plural ) "figures of virgins that are offered to the dragon ', hired by people committed to supporting the "fun of the emperor" (translation: My husband, a father, a grandfather, you solace, Arcore and Sardinia, and who knows where else, young girls from the pimps that earned him and bring him Home ). It was clear, the lady "I tried to help ... I pleaded with people who are near to do the same as you would with a person who is ill " (translation: Silvio Berlusconi is sick of sex: yes, just like Michael Douglas, you know? it's just that Michael Douglas was aware of and chose to go to the clinic to get treatment, Silvio Berlusconi, however, do not seem account and the people who are closest neighbor - someone like Emilio Fede, for example - instead of helping to heal the drone in its take maialata ).

So these days - this is where I wanted to get there - did not come out anything substantially new, street ... nothing that we did not know already or that we had not imagined, the boldest among us for some time: Silvio Berlusconi is a man with sex that women like young, a man with sex as rich as Croesus that the young women he can buy a car , a sick young sex and meat can not get enough.
That said, we return to bomb: I'm wondering un paio di cose, da ieri l'altro, e magari potreste aiutarmi voi, raga, a trovare una risposta.
Domanda numero uno: considerato il livello del suo immaginario – donne poliziotto con le tette di fuori, infermiere in autoreggenti bianche che gli misurano la pressione - è stato Silvio Berlusconi a produrre la subcultura televisiva italiana degli anni Ottanta (roba à la Drive in , à la Colpo Grosso , per intendersi) o è stato prodotto lui , da quella subcultura?

Domanda numero due: se Walter Veltroni è stato capace di dire che “si poteva stare nel PCI senza essere comunisti” , lo si troverà qualcuno, right, in a few year or so, willing to argue that "could be in Forza Italy, and then in the PDL, without Berlusconi" ? Eh? What do you think?

Watch Beef 4 Online Free


We were very worried about a week: Grey had to be made yesterday, but was much better than expected! He had a sarcoma, the veterinarian says it is a benign tumor in the left front leg near the joint. He began to bleed and she continued to lick and then was wounded. E 'was removed (about 2 hours) and quite a few' points. While I was asleep he took away a smaller one in the right paw and even there somewhere. Now should not lick : le abbiamo preso il collare "elisabettiano" ma finora non è servito. Ieri è tornata in casa sulle sue gambe anche se un po' barcollante. Zoe, la leccata e poi sfrontatamente continua a farle agguati. Togliamo i punti martedì prossimo e non abbiamo fatto fare l'esame istologico.
Gli animali ammalati sono veramente alla nostra mercé : anche Zoe che si è beccata una gastroenterite a 2 mesi si è lasciata curare senza ribellarsi. Per darle la pastiglietta di sulfamidico le ho preparato delle polpettine di parmigiano grattugiato con la medicina polverizzata dentro e poi per i fermenti lattici la imboccavo con una siringa (senza ago ovviamente). E lei ferma e tranquilla, ora che si è ripresa decide lei quando stare ferma e tranquilla !

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Multi Drop Journey Plan

(My relationship with a) Progress

Today I finally figured out what it wants to produce a Fiat Mirafiori. He was written up
Republic, on page 13. A
Mirafiori will occur ... the SUV! Just think 'that stuff: the SUV!
in two versions (that is not enough, apparently), Jeep and Alfa.
According to the Lingotto, "by the end of 2012, the SUV will be in production (280 thousand cars a year) and ready for commercialization."

I say? Come on, let me tell ...
I do not think my interest to see SUVs - those terribly bulky behemoths impestanti - run into the street.
do not mean the interest of Stefano Piredda as a citizen of this Republic of cock, but the interest of Stefano Piredda as a living being on this fucking planet that should continue to exist, it is hoped, will be dead even when Stefano Piredda ...
I'm sorry a lot for the workers at Mirafiori, but what they produce in the coming years is pure folly. If
posterity will curse the names of the men of 2011 - and the extraordinary talent that brought them to produce and market the SUV - well, as far as I will fine.
But already ... basically what they did, posterity, for us?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How Many Members Would A Average Gym Have

famous words in my part (n.94)

"From small horror movies I was never scared. I was much more frightened by my family and everyday life."

(Tim Burton)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Where I Can Catch Legendaries In Pokemon Deluge

The Togliatti of derelict

is 28 February 2002. A
Deputies shall be discussed Frattini Law on conflict of interest.
Luciano Violante, the present participle of the verb 'break', intervenes in the debate as chairman of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Left - Olive Tree.

At one point he utters, distinctly audible, the following words: "Mr Berlusconi knows for sure that he has been given the full warranty - not now, in '94, when there was a change of government - that would not be affected televisions. She knows him and knows Mr Letta ... You have charged us even though we had not made the law on conflict of interest and declared eligible Berlusconi despite the concessions ... During the center-left governments Mediaset's turnover increased by 25 times over. "

Do not forget ...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dolce & Gabbana Diagramme

The Dark Knight

few days ago, the ceremony of the IPO of Industrial Fiat, the Fiat group CEO Sergio Marchionne - the manager all of a piece that Fausto Bertinotti (the mentor of the famous poet Nichi Vendola) once had to define "a good bourgeois" - scasinato has quite a lot '. And
Fiom here and there and the Fiom I do not accept blackmail from anyone, but if the referendum on the agreement between the workers of Mirafiori, 23 December - one that saw the opposition of the Fiom and membership of other unions - the "no" will reach 51% then "Fiat does not make the investment in Mirafiori" , gentlemen: take it or leave it, in fact - who gave himself Marchionne is an international manager - "take it or leave it".
Marchionne ( Marchionne ) then said (Said ) to consider (to judge ) "offensive" ( insulting) questions (questions ) on the project (plan ) called ( named ) Italy Fabbrica (Factory Italy).
Literally "It's really offensive that we need to see the specific points of the plan. Ask Fiat to unveil the details of the plan I find it ridiculous. But that joke? We must stop behaving like provincial ' .
So people my beautiful people, we can not know why Fiat is doing everything 'mess I'm in Italy (and the Fiom Fiom here and beyond and so on and so on). The business plan for Fiat's Mirafiori and Pomigliano is no secret (it's a secret ).
L ' international manager also pointed out to us all ( to everybody) and in Brazil, where he has just opened a new factory (a new factory ), no (nobody ) "would never be allowed to give details of the investment. "
What to say?
What should we expect, to 'I point to Fiat?
Mah ..
In my opinion, at least the minimum mass production of Batmobile.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Asperger Syndrom Wikipedia


The first reading of 2011?

The stories of ghosts Montague Rhodes James : With Maremagnum (you know? It is a great site if you want to recover rare books and out of print) I managed to find the volume of 520 pages - released in 1989, edited by Malcolm Skey poor, for the types of Theoria - which collects them all, but everyone.
MRJ (you signed it), born in 1862 and died in 1936, it was a really nice guy: great medievalist, palaeography, archaeologist, a polyglot of those drugs - taught himself Italian, German, Ethiopian, Danish (also translated Hans Christian Andersen), Swedish, Coptic, Hebrew, Syriac - and writer almost lost time of shivering (but seriously!) ghost stories.

The man had the habit of reading his stories to friends who went to see him at Christmas, "the group pre the evening she found herself waiting for a long while, usually around eleven," Monty "did not appear with the ink still wet on the last page. All the lights were off except one, and this gave rise to the reading of the story. "
In short these nights of January, in my opinion, are full of haunted houses, ancient spells, vengeful witches, treasures guarded by fierce demons, hotel rooms that do not exist but rather then yes, pictures are animated figures hooded hidden in the dark, wind gusts that seem to scream, dark omens and curses inexorable.
Outside my window, ever present, the mists of the English countryside, under my bed, a horrible creature waiting ...

Urge reprint, my gosh!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Purgatory House Online

So today is

the 1st Saturday of the year

the 1st Saturday of the month

the 1st day of my 60th year

and writes thus:

1 - 1 - '11